Roses Bouquets
High Quality Fresh Rose Bouquets.
Large bouquets and exclusive designs. We use high quality roses.
Choose the Bouquet of Roses that you like the most. From our Florist in Santa Eulalia we will prepare it with love and take it personally to its recipient.
We deliver Flowers throughout the Island of Ibiza.
Specially selected roses with long stems and large flowers.
You can also choose a special card to accompany the bouquet with the text you write to us, if you do not choose any we will write it on a white card.
If you do not find what you are looking for, call us and we will help you choose.
We deliver bouquets of Roses throughout the Island of Ibiza. We are a Florist with more than 30 years of experience.
If you are looking for Large Bouquets of Roses, you are in the right place. This is your Florist, see our VIP area menu to see the most impressive bouquets.
The varieties of roses that we use are from the most important growers in the world. Roses with large flowers and long stems according to the model of the bouquet.
Showing 1–12 of 18 results
12 Red Roses
75,00 € Select options -
21 Red Roses
130,00 € Select options -
55,00 € Select options -
9 Red Roses
65,00 € Select options -
Valentine bouquet
60,00 € Select options -
30 white Roses
175,00 € Select options -
50 Red Roses
325,00 € Select options -
100,00 € Select options -
Bouquet of Mauve Roses
75,00 € Select options -
Bouquet of Mixed Roses
150,00 € Select options -
Red and White Roses
295,00 € Select options -
101 Red Roses
750,00 € Select options
Showing 1–12 of 18 results